The Seminar




In his seminar, Health After Hurt, kidnapped teacher and author Rob Hunter, retells the story of the Wooreen State School kidnapping of 1977 and the after effects. The presentation gives first hand insight into the trauma experienced by the victims, of heroism and bravery, along with the health and healing that is possible from such pain and torment.  Rob explores the four practices that have ensured his ongoing health and wellbeing.

The Seminar is suitable for:
  • School Students Years 6-12 – see details below
  • Professional and Personal Development for Workplaces
  • Author Talks
  • Library Talks
  • Corporate, Community and Service Groups



Health and healing from hurt, pain and trauma.


Year level assembly (one period) followed by individual class workshops (one period) – variations available for particular school’s needs.

Content of assembly

Detailed account of the story. Video footage. Pictures. Overview of healing process. Q & A.

Class Workshop Sessions

Group discussion about the story. Students are given practical tools to cope with their own hurts and traumas. Promotion of good practice to facilitate social, emotional and mental health. Character development. Written activities and discussion. Class teacher involvement.

Curriculum Connections

✅ Resilience and Bullying

✅ Social, Mental and Emotional Health

✅ Respectful Relationships: Emotional Health, Character Strengths and Bullying

✅ Health and PE: Personal, Social and Community Health

✅ Happy Healthy and Resilient Kids


  • Self-awareness: be able to recognise and manage emotions; recognise the benefits for mental health of having a grateful mindset
  • Social awareness: help develop care and concern for others; see the benefits of  practising kindness
  • Responsible decision making: understanding and applying decision making skills
  • Self-management: handle challenging situations effectively; take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing
  • Relationship skills: establish positive and respectful relationships; deal with conflict; recognise and understand the nature and importance of forgiveness; build trusting adult relationships; form attachment to a familiar and consistent educator/s


“You were such a big hit with our ES staff, we would like you to present again at our Whole School Conference next year.” Marcela Varas – HR Manager

“We know the truth is often stranger than fiction, so Rob Hunter’s story needs to be heard. He is able to hold his audience captivated, just as he was, in this incredible story of bravery, resilience and forgiveness. His warm and engaging manner, enables the students to openly discuss the important life issues.”  Greg Ross – Community Leader

“Rob Hunter’s story and life application, has been one of the most interesting programs that my children have experienced at school.  To know that there is life beyond our hurts and pain is so important.  The message of choosing to express gratitude and forgiveness is a much-needed reminder in today’s society.”
Parent Testimonial – Helen Genio
“Rob presents with a quiet and calm manner, which is genuinely engaging for students. His remarkable story is the vehicle by which Rob teaches students about gratitude, self-respect, resilience and having a purpose in life. Our students enjoyed the day very much and will remember the lessons for a long time. We’ll definitely book Rob in again for next year.”
Bronwyn Knight, Assistant Principal, Oberon High School
English Domain Leader
“Rob’s story truly engages young people and has formed an integral part of our school’s work on building resilience. Rob generated discussion of bravery and strategies for maintaining social and emotional health and wellbeing. My students have benefitted greatly.”
Lyn Eeles, English Domain Leader
Year 9 Coordinator
“Rob’s presentation has given my students the unique opportunity to open their hearts and minds to the opportunities on the other side of hurt. Rob discusses the path of forgiveness and encourages students to think critically about their experiences and how the emotional awareness required for forgiveness can liberate their lives.”
Katharine Corrin, Year 9 Coordinator
Community Leader
“We know the truth is often stranger than fiction, so Rob Hunter’s story needs to be heard. He is able to hold his audience captivated, just as he was, in this incredible story of bravery, resilience and forgiveness. His warm and engaging manner, enables the students to openly discuss the important life issues.”
Greg Ross, Community Leader
Year 8 Teacher
“Rob has discussed his amazing life experiences with my students and eloquently facilitated discussion on gratitude, forgiveness, healing from hurt, pain and trauma and resilience, all to my student’s great benefit. I am always most impressed with Rob’s personalised engagement with students which can only come from someone who truly cares about students’ emotional wellbeing.”
Mitch Coombs
Year 9 Student
“When you told us about the kidnapping it really touched my heart, it was amazing.  You have such an inspirational story.”


Get in touch to discuss running the seminar at your school.

Discuss the seminar


In the seminar, Health After Hurt, kidnapped teacher & author Rob Hunter, retells the story of the Wooreen State School kidnapping of 1977 & the after affects. He teaches how health is possible beyond such trauma.

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